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InraeThemes 3.0.0

  • Removing all rmarkdown/quarto template (now supported by the quarto-inrae-extension)
  • New logo
  • Full documentation refactoring
  • Update bootstrap theme to version 5 for bs_inrae()

InraeThemes 2.3.0

  • Cleanup for CRAN

InraeThemes 2.2.1

  • Renamed the inrae format (removed the quarto- prefix)

InraeThemes 2.2.0

  • Added Quarto extension support for reports and slides
  • Improved README

InraeThemes 2.1.0

  • Re-introduced data analysis project template

InraeThemes 2.0.1

  • Update to latex preambles to better handle YAML metadata

InraeThemes 2.0.0

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • Converted most of document templates from Rmarkdown to Quarto
  • Converted separated outputs (PDF,Word,HTML) into single templates with complete YAML’s
  • New bslib theme for Shiny and Rmarkdown HTML documents
  • New business card Rmarkdown template
  • GPL-3 Licence
  • Better README